steri 7 Reactive barrier technology

Reactive barrier technology

Reactive Barrier Technology is a specialised micro emulsion which provides an optional sustained release system – this means that the reactive barrier can be turned on or off depending on the situation. It’s simple, if you rinse S-7XTRA after application you remove the reactive barrier, if you leave S-7XTRA to dry you enable the Reactive Barrier Technology giving you added Biosecurity and protection between cleans.

Take a desk, dining table, or even a kitchen worktop, they are all vulnerable to contamination. Spray S-7XTRA on the surface and leave to dry.

S-7XTRA has then worked to kill the bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores and moulds up to 99.9999% on that surface. S-7XTRA doesn’t stop there. When S-7XTRA has dried, a barrier is created which re-activates in the presence of any moisture.

For bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores and moulds to reproduce, they must contain moisture. However the moisture they need, although it’s microscopic, is enough to activate S-7XTRA’s Reactive Barrier which effectively wipes them out. Effectively the germs kill themselves, pathogen suicide no less.

We wanted to prove S-7XTRA's Reactive Barrier Technology could be used to promote Biosecurity, so we asked an Industry recognised independent analytical laboratory to put S-7XTRA and the Reactive Barrier Technology to the test.

Using an adapted version of surface test protocol EN 13697 under ‘Dirty’ test conditions, S-7XTRA was diluted with hard water, as hard water weakens a disinfectant’s efficacy. Spores, fungi and bacteria were chosen because these are some of the toughest pathogens to damage, never mind kill. If they could be killed under these conditions we knew S-7XTRA could deal with almost anything.

The lab set their parameters. S-7XTRA was sprayed onto stainless steel slides and left to dry. Once dried they were inoculated with selected bacteria, spores and fungi. After 1 minute contact time, the slides were swabbed with a dry sterile swab and analysed. S-7XTRA killed the lot.

5 minutes later the same stainless steel slides were inoculated again, 
left for 1 minute contact time and swabbed with a new dry sterile swab. S-7XTRA again killed the lot.

This was repeated at 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and even 72 hours later.

Guess what? Yes. S-7XTRA again killed the re-inoculated pathogens.

Testing was carried out to assess the efficacy of S-7XTRA alone, no mechanical agitation was employed.

What does this mean for you?

As has been proven, S-7XTRA’s unrivalled Reactive Barrier Technology continues to be effective between cleans. And although it is extremely harmful to pathogens, when used at manufacturers recommended dilutions it is friendly to use and has wide material compatibility . All of S-7XTRA’s ingredients have worldwide approval.

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